Pruning the Pachypodiums, aka Madagascar Palms

In a blog post on July 18, 2012, I introduced you to the fat plants pachypodium geayi and p. lamerii, also known as Madagascar palms. That was in 2012; by 2016 the two pachys I kept had grown a foot or more taller than me. They were outside this Spring when we had...

Pueblo and On to Colorado Springs

When you drive through Pueblo on the Interstate, it just looks like an old mining town, which it is. But if you get off the I-25 and go downtown, it’s another story. We found beautiful old buildings and a lovely Riverwalk on the Arkansas river that runs through town....

Cactus, Succulents, and Heavy Rain

Muleshoe has had rain for the last seven days- August tends to be our monsoon season-and during those times when the water wasn’t falling from the sky, that sky was gray and overcast; no sunshine, which means that all my cactus and succulents, potted and in the...

Nelda Merriott 1934-2016

Muleshoe lost one of its most loyal supporters and tireless workers last week when Nelda Merriott died unexpectedly. She was 82. Obituaries give you all the basic family information: she as born April 1, 1934 in El Reno, Oklahoma, to Virgil and Ora LeBleu, the...

Lobivia and Rebutia Do Their Thing

Over the course of the last three months I have enjoyed a variety of very different flowers, some which just happened to be all in the same pot. For example, look at these beauties on a lobivia I bought last year. In the same pot this little mammillaria plumosa...