Small Town Nurses and COVID-19

I have written four other stories about how COVID-19 has changed the American way of life, most likely forever. I am aware of the toll the virus is taking on health care workers, doctors, and nurses all over America, but the focus has been on how hospitals and nurses...

The Argyroderma Testiculare Blooms

I have written about Argyroderma roseum  before, but A. testiculare is smaller and this particular group just outdid themselves blooming, so of course I had to share.You can see the bud forming in the one plant and the beginning bud coming out in the one next to...

A Snow Pictorial

We finally had snow! Since we have had precious little rain or snow all through 2020, this two and a half inches of snow at our house were more than welcome. There was no pretty sky for a backdrop, nor unusual formations of snow caused by wind, but I did dutifully...

A Look at Several Stapeliads

I have talked about stapeliads before, but I’ve gone through a dry spell with no flowers lately. The spell was finally broken the other day, and I just had to share again!Stapeliads  can be found in a variety of countries, but this one, Stapelia lepida, is native...