Mule Medix

If you read the blog about Chad’s flag pole from February 9th, you might remember Mule Medix mentioned as being instrumental in the completion and dedication of that memorial. This is their story.For about twenty years, the Bailey County EMS Organization was a group...

Flowers in the Greenhouse

It’s brown and dreary outside; it’s green with spots of color in the greenhouse. Here are some of those spots of color. Pleispilos nelii Royal Flush is an odd-looking little plant with a gorgeous flower. This particular variety has the purple petals, hence the name...

Chad’s Flag Pole

The Muleshoe and surrounding Bailey County community gathered Sunday afternoon,  February 7th, to pay homage to the  service of LCpl Chad E. Bales with the dedication of a flag pole in his honor and memory. The son of Kem and Lori Bales, and a former junior English...

Three Different Crown of Thorns Plants

My three Euphorbia milii plants, commonly called crown of thorns, have all been blooming lately. I have also heard this plant called the forever flower because it flowers off and on all year, not seasonally. That makes it a nice plant to have since it provides color...