Several years ago Delores Harvey gave me two succulents, a stapelia lepida and this huernia macrocarpa, the plant to the right of the donkey tail sedum. I have enjoyed both and have written about both, but always found it hard to appreciate the blooms on the huernia because they face downward. Well, finally it dawned on me that if I would simply put the plant on a high shelf I would be able to see the flowers!
Okay, to be honest, my friend Shari, with whom I had shared cuttings of the plant, had hers up above the doorway into her greenhouse, and when I walked through it on one of my visits it hit me-of course that’s the solution! I could see the flowers easily, and it looked really nice up there. So when I got home, I knew just the place for it on the wall of the back patio.
I took these pictures in July; today on October 4th, the huernia is still blooming. Lovely little maroon flowers that I can now see now that I had the good sense to place the plant up high.
So if you have a plant whose blooms are being under-appreciated and overlooked, think about perhaps a better way to display them.
And then you can see them in all their glory.
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