Memories and a Coffee Can

Memories and a Coffee Can

Amid the odds and ends that are my sewing supplies is an old steel coffee can full of buttons that I can remember being around forever. It may have belonged to my grandmother, but considering that the Duncan Coffee Company began in Houston, and we lived near Houston...
Porche-Dog Update

Porche-Dog Update

I should have said Destructo Dog the Second. When Mari came to live with us, she earned that designation with her penchant for chewing things. Porche is no slouch in that department, either. And I will get back to that in a minute. Let me remind you that Porche came...
So is it Bass Fiddle or What?

So is it Bass Fiddle or What?

During the closing banquet at the cactus convention I attended last week (“Cactus Convention Field Trip to Westcave Preserve,” June 27, 2013) musical entertainment was provided by Dave Madden. My table was right up front by the three-piece combo, and I was delighted...
Cactus Convention Field Trip to Westcave Preserve

Cactus Convention Field Trip to Westcave Preserve

Last week I attended the 35th Biennial CSSA (Cactus and Succulent Society of America) Convention in Austin. Besides the plant sales and informative presentations by international cactus experts, one day was devoted to field trips to area destinations deemed of...