The Christmas Parade and Heritage Center Open House

The Christmas Parade and Heritage Center Open House

Muleshoe had their annual Christmas parade and the Heritage Center had their annual Christmas open house on December 1st. I wanted to share those events with you even though I am little behind, twelve days to be exact, but who’s counting? No one, I hope! But Christmas...

Skyfall- 007 Will Never Die

We drove to Lubbock yesterday to see the latest James Bond installment, Skyfall, and to check out the new Premiere Cinema theater that has recently opened at South Plains Mall. The theater is one of these new types that has a bar and restaurant in the lobby, and...

And Finally, The X-Rated Tale From School

I had just moved into the second of the three rooms assigned to me during my tenure at Muleshoe High School. As I remember it, and that is using the term loosely as it has been a few years, it was a work day and my work was caught up, so I decided to clean out and...
I Have A New Blog!

I Have A New Blog!

Yes, I have added a new blog, Cactus Are Cool, devoted exclusively to the subject of cactus and succulents. I will post a story once a week and add pictures to the section called Blooming Now when something is blooming, which lately, is something new every day, and...