Cactus and Kerrville

Cactus and Kerrville

I traveled to the Hill Country this past weekend to visit friends and attend the Texas Association of Cactus & Succulent Societies 2011 Fall Seminar. And to buy more cactus that I don’t need but want. That’s what a collection is all about, right, adding to it?...

Mules 41- Bushland 7

The first chilly night for a ball game, and I am out of town! But my expert armchair quarterback took notes for me and through the magic of cell phones I was given a first hand report to share with you. Sort of. The short version. Jr. Baca scored first, followed by...
More Tales From School

More Tales From School

Well, sure enough, after the last Tales from School, I did think of more things that made me smile at school. Where to start? How about the time I had the Burmese python visit my leadership class? We got to talking about things that some of the kids had never done,...

Mules 26-Roosevelt 13

Another great night for football; another win for the Mules. I traveled to the far side of Lubbock all by myself, as Bill had to be gone, and Colten  went with one of his friends-imagine that, a 17-year old choosing a 17-year old friend over his grandmother! But...

Tales From School

Funny stuff happens in classrooms and schools everywhere every year. Teachers fail to write down those funny things everywhere every year. I’m one of those teachers. We foolishly think we will remember all those funny stories. And of course we don’t. But I was able to...