Mouse Mortality; The Carnage Continues!

Mouse Mortality; The Carnage Continues!

We have never had a mouse problem, or with rabbits and snakes. We have, however, always had cats. For about the past month, they have knocked themselves out ridding our yard, not to mention the world, of mice. At least one a day, One Sunday we discovered four little...
Road Trip Again-This Time Stop At Revival

Road Trip Again-This Time Stop At Revival

Another good destination on Hwy 71, this time at Bee Cave, Texas, is Revival, a shop I am not sure how to describe, but a place loaded with all kinds of different ideas and interesting stuff. Yes, I know stuff is not a good descriptive word, but that’s what they...
Requiescat For The Little Woodpecker

Requiescat For The Little Woodpecker

The cottonwood tree had been sick for years; this year Bill finally cut it down. He cut the trunk into two and three-foot pieces for me to use on the borders of my walk path and in the cactus bed.                 As I was poking...
The Bee Keeper Moves The Swarm

The Bee Keeper Moves The Swarm

When Bill went out to check the pecan trees the other day, he discovered a large black mass on one of them; the bees from an existing hive had decided to move out and amassed themselves on this one little tree. Why they moved is still a mystery. But they did, and he...