Skunks and Colds

The highlights of our week have been that Mari Dog encountered her first skunk, and Bill had a cold which he graciously passed on to me. I was sitting at this desk paying bills Wednesday night and was vaguely aware of an unpleasant smell. When it hit me that it was a...

Grandmother’s Buffet

My  maternal grandmother, Carrie Tate, with whom I spent many a summer and lots of family holidays in Olney, Texas, had this piece of furniture, a great big dining room buffet, that ran the length of one whole wall and was strategically located to be handy for...
Our Thirty-Year-Old Ice Box

Our Thirty-Year-Old Ice Box

I don’t know about your spring cleaning procedures, but in my house spring cleaning is erratic at best, non-existent more often than not. Which is not to say I have a dirty house; it may not be the cleanest every single day,  but it is certainly not the...

The Vocabulary Story

As the years pass and time goes by, I suspect most teachers wish they had written down the funny things that happen in their classes that they are just sure they will remember, which of course, they don’t. I am at the top of that list, but here is one story that...

Nature is Cruel, But We Don’t Have To Be

I just watched  Temple Grandin on HBO. This is a heck of a movie about an amazing woman. I don’t even know where to start. Temple Grandin is a professor at Colorado State University, the designer of humane slaughterhouses and feedlot practices, and is...