Coach Washington 1925-2010

Muleshoe’s Coach George Washington passed away Sunday at the age of 84 after living 52 years in Muleshoe and coaching and teaching for 28 years in Muleshoe, becoming a local legend along the way. Gilrobert Rennels at Gil Lamb Advertising/Channel 6...
Dust-and Now Ice!

Dust-and Now Ice!

Was it just a mere week ago that we had dust, dirt, and 50 mph winds? Yes, it was. Yesterday the temperature made it all the way to 69 sunny pleasant degrees. But today, January 28th, I am looking out the window at ice-encrusted tree limbs bouncing in the wind, white...
Dust Storm-and It’s Not Even Spring

Dust Storm-and It’s Not Even Spring

January 22, 2010; our first big dust storm of the new year, and it’s a doozy. Mari and I were smart enough to take our three mile walk early this morning because by 9:00 the wind hit, and it was downhill from there. Or should I say ridiculously windy from there....

Fast Food Workers Get No Respect

We walked into a fast food chain over the weekend to be greeted by a pleasant hello from the young woman behind the counter. I placed my order for a small cheeseburger, mustard and mayonnaise, no ketchup. I knew I was in trouble when she had to ask her supervisor a...
Destructo Dog Graduates

Destructo Dog Graduates

For eight grueling weeks we braved  highway 84, survived one potty training accident, spent a fortune every time we stepped foot into PetsMart, and finished the course with a diploma and a picture (of sorts) and a happy little puppy who now knows how to sit,...