What is Your Given Name?

Back in the early sixties when I was growing up in Rosenberg and getting ready for school each morning, I would listen to Houston radio station KILT and the Hudson and Harrigan show. This was back in the days when radio stations had actual creative DJs and not...
Snow Day-and Then It’s Gone

Snow Day-and Then It’s Gone

I suppose every state in the union thinks they can lay claim to that cliche about if you don’t like the weather, hang around a little while and it will change. Well, maybe not Hawaii; their weather seems a pretty constant 80 something degrees, but I think West...
Destructo Dog Update

Destructo Dog Update

Now I ask you: does this look like the vicious, mean pit bulls we have all heard about? Or is this a cuddly lap dog waiting to be discovered? Mari took it upon herself to jump into Bill’s lap the other day, and he made the mistake of allowing her to do it, so...
Thanksgiving is a Road Trip

Thanksgiving is a Road Trip

What’s a holiday without lots of drive-time? Ours started Wednesday with seven hours to Lake LBJ to break up the trip before going to Kyle on Thursday, which was a short hour and a half drive. But then Friday we managed to turn that hour and a half drive into a...
We Buried Pedro Jesus Today

We Buried Pedro Jesus Today

Jesus came to live with us after his family made an abrupt move and did not come back for him. His family happened to be of Mexican descent, so we named him Pedro Jesus and affectionately knew him as our bilingual cat. I had him neutered, brought his shots up to date,...