Brown Outside; Colorful Inside

January in Muleshoe doesn’t lend itself to much color other than brown. Brown grass, brown dirt, brown tumbleweeds, leafless trees; if the wind is blowing, which is often, dusty brown air. Winter up here isn’t very colorful anyway, and the drought hasn’t helped. But I...

Cookie, Our Second Three-Legged Dog

We lost Mari In October 2021(“The Best Girl,” October 24, 2021). She had been with us since 2009 and came to our family missing a back leg. Colten brought her into the family. Cookie came to our house this September. Colten’s mother, Caroline, brought her into the...

The Things I Keep

I came across a page I had torn out of an old Parade magazine from 2018 about the things we keep that hold memories for us. What We Keep: 150 People Share the One Object That Brings Them Joy, Magic, and Meaning, by Bill Shapiro and Naomi Wax was the subject of the...

One Way to Defeat Cactus Poachers

If you read my last cactus blog, “I was rewarded with Ariocarpus Blooms,” December 23, 2022, I talked about the damage cactus poachers are doing to Ariocarpus populations in Texas and Mexico, and I promised to tell you more about how to spot these dastardly pirates...

I was Rewarded with Ariocarpus Blooms

I have written about my Ariocarpus before, but I had three plants bloom recently, one I had checked daily for a flower and two others that surprised me!The species of Ariocarpus in general are native to South Texas, north and central Mexico, with different varieties...