Glenn Miller’s Orchestra Still Swings

Bill and I enjoyed a night of big band swing dance music at the Buddy Holly Hall last night. The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra was in fine form. This was Bill’s first visit to Buddy Holly Hall, so we arrived early, picked up my Will Call tickets, and...

The Mayor of Needmore

Willie Lewis Shafer came to Bailey County in 1930, settled near what we now know as Needmore, and started farming with six teams of mules. He met Zeffa V. Stevenson on a blind date, and they were married in 1932. In 1937 Willie Lewis became manager of Needmore Co-Op...

Pachypodium Succulentum x. Bispinosum

I picked up this little plant at the Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA) convention in Colorado Springs this year, 2023. I had not seen one before, but then it’s easy to see plants you’ve never seen before at these conventions! Vendors bring all...

The Trip to Marble Falls

The Highland Lakes Native Plant Society invited me to give a talk on landscaping with drought-tolerant plants, so of course, I said yes. The meeting would be on January 20 at the Marble Falls Public Library, a mere ten minutes from our house at Lake LBJ, which meant I...