Another Time-honored Tradition has Ended

On October 15th, the last Lubbock Avalanche-Journal newspaper was delivered to our house, thrown by carriers Junior and Lindsay Garcia. The paper will now come in the mail with news a day late, if we're lucky. Probably more like two or three days late. This was the...

Drimiopsis Saundersiae is a Neat Little Plant

I bought this little Drimiopsis saundersiae Sunny Smile in 2019 at a Texas Association of Cactus and Succulent Societies seminar. It was considerably different from anything else in my collection, so of course, I had to have it. Drimiopsis saundersiae is native to...

Everyone needs a little Rhapsody in Blue

Sheila and I attended the Rhapsodies concert at the Buddy Holly Hall Friday night, and it was a fun experience. And I got to hear my favorite Gershwin selection, "Rhapsody in Blue." The concert included three selections, Peter Boyler's "Rhapsody in Red, White, and...

Alas! Bonfire Postponed!

We watched dump trucks drive past our house hauling brush and fire-worthy wood for about two weeks to the site of the Mules' bonfire at the back side of the golf course driving range. Finally the day came. Three food trucks even showed up for this year's festivities....

The New Building is Named in Honor of Dani

I gave you a tour of the new Dani Heathington Activity Building the other day ("A Hard Hat Tour of the Dani Heathington Activity Center," July 31, 2023). So, you might ask,  who is this Dani Heathington? Well, if you've been in Muleshoe or part of the MISD school...

Jeanna and her Lemurs

Caroline and I had a fun adventure visiting the Ringtail Ranch a few weeks ago. We met Jeanna Treider who runs the place and were blown away by these amazing animals. The Ringtail Ranch is where Jeanna Treider provides safety and comfort to rescued lemurs who have...

Terome and Jim Ella

Sometimes my attitude needs a wake-up call, and I got one the other day when I was interviewing Terome and Jim Ella Clemmons for this story.We talked about Terome's near-fatal encounter with a round hay bale and  his time spent in recovery and rehab. He recalled one...