Terry and Snack Pak 4 Kids

Back when Mindy McClanahan was pastor at First United Methodist Church and leading a discipleship study, she challenged the participants to put the discipleship they had been talking about into action. Terry Marricle was a member of that study. As Terry considered her...

Mike Jones was a Gentle Soul

Mike Jones passed away  March 22; his funeral was March 29. I only knew Mike through our membership in the Muleshoe Art Association. I knew he liked art and cats, so we had those two things in common. But I came away from his service smiling and happy to have learned...

Egg Hunt at the Heritage Foundation

The Muleshoe Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture sponsored an Easter egg hunt at the Muleshoe Heritage Center Saturday. And I thought I was on time to see the rush for eggs, but boy, was I wrong! Egg hunts are over in mere minutes, so I should have gone early.  I...

Muleshoe Art Association hosts Spring Art Show

The Muleshoe Art Association held its 2023 Spring Art Show April 3-7 at the Oneita Wagnon Senior Center in Muleshoe. Artists from Muleshoe, Brownfield, Portales, Sudan, Slaton, Spur, and Clovis entered 108 pieces of artwork in the show. Money prizes were awarded as...

Sandhill Cranes

If you have been outside this winter, you may have heard birds chatting above you in the sky. If you bothered to look up to see what was going on, you may have seen large birds gliding over scanning the ground for food and water. Perhaps you saw a long, thick gray...

The King Family Leaves Its Mark

The King brothers, H.D. and Bob, didn’t arrive at the same time, but when they got here, they both got involved in the agricultural side of things in Muleshoe. Their endeavors had an impact on this farming town that are still evident today, and their families are...

Grandmother’s Tea Cookies

My Grandmother Drum was quite the cook. Long before I was born, she was cooking for an extended family in Olney, Texas. I was told some of Grandaddy’s family lived with them, and along with their three children, they had a houseful. I wish I had a picture of her...

A Vitamind to Live By

More times than I can count, I have watched this scenario:  young males pushing  through doors or walking down an aisle or sidewalk followed by a girl friend, sister, maybe even his mother, meekly following behind  as best they can and obediently following him in to...

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