Another Look at the Coryphantha Rungonii

The first time I wrote about the coryphantha rungonii was on July 1, 2017, but it has outdone itself again, and I wanted to share it again. Some of you missed it the first time around, and it’s only fair to shower the plant with praise for an even more spectacular...

Death Comes to the Agave

One of my very favorite, dependable, beautiful, low-maintenance plants, agave harvardiana, shared its spectacular blooming mast with me and the neighborhood this summer. Alas, as is the nature of the plant, after it put its heart and soul into this bloom, it begins to...

A River Runs Through It

Well, not exactly. More like a hint of a creek or spring. I had a dry creek bed of gray/white rocks from Coleman, Texas, in my cactus garden. I had been reasonable happy with it all these years until I was inspired to do something different when I saw my friend...

An Awarded-Winning Mass of Lace Cactus Blooms

On May third I took a picture of this group of echinocereus reichenbachii, lace cactus. I counted fifty buds, more or less, at this time. But it’s hard to do! I may have counted a few more than once, and one or two might not have opened, or opened early by themselves...

Mammillaria Spinosissima

I bought this plant last year, maybe two years ago, to rescue it from the too-small pot from which offshoots were pushing their little heads up in search of room to grow. So I brought it home, repotted it, and the new crowns were relieved and happy and grew. This year...

Pretty in Pink

I was knocked out by all the pink that greeted me in the greenhouse this week. Pink is not unusual in cactus blooms; my Wyoming pediocactus are an early pink display, the outside cactus garden is splattered with pink in May from the echinocereus reichenbachii blooms,...

Make Your Own Frost Cloth

I have a few outdoor cactus and agaves that require some protection in the winter, and I have used a variety of covers for them: five-gallon buckets turned upside down, the heavy-duty cardboard boxes that milk jugs are shipped in, used afghans and throws bought at the...