Another Mammillaria Halo

On October 28th as I was admiring the plants in the greenhouse, I looked down to find these two mammillarias beginning to form buds in their characteristic circle or halo on the tops of the plants. I checked my inventory list to discover I have had these two...

The Forgotten Yellow Flowers

I kept seeing these pictures I had saved on my desktop of pretty yellow flowers on this unidentified cactus. Then I started looking to see if I had indeed shared them before. Search though I did, I never found a blog spotlighting these flowers.So, even if you have...

Mammillaria Bocasana Roseifloria

Mammillaria bocasana is one of my favorite little cacti. I think I must have four or five of them and have, sadly, killed probably that many  overwatering them; they are prone to easily rot. My others have produced flowers that were light pink, white, pale...

TACSS Fall Seminar 2017 in Houston

I had the pleasure of traveling to Houston for the  2017 Texas Association of Cactus and Succulent Societies (TACSS) Fall Seminar on Saturday, October 7. I also had the pleasure of staying with old friend Jenice Williamson who now lives in Houston, and she ferried me...

Hang this Huernia High

Several years ago Delores Harvey gave me two succulents, a stapelia lepida and this huernia macrocarpa, the plant to the right of the donkey tail sedum.  I have enjoyed both and have written about both, but always found it hard to appreciate the blooms on the...

Trying Another Sage Bush

I was in Lubbock the other day after our general area had been blessed with quite a bit of rain; nothing like Harvey-drenched Houston, but some good rain. Various varieties of Texas sage were absolutely outdoing themselves all over town. Bright lavender/purple...

The Tucson Ferocactus Finally Bloomed!

I went to my first Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA) convention in 2011 at Tucson, Arizona. The Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society served as hosts. One thing they had done to welcome everyone to their city for the convention was to provide everyone who...

Trimming the Yucca

One of my oldest cactus beds is a raised rock garden with very few cactus, a constant supply of agaves that come up from the roots of deceased plants, sedum for ground cover, snowy mound artemisia, rocks, and large yuccas. I always keep the bed weeded but have been...