Echinobivia Rainbow Burst
I bought this cactus in 2012; this year it finally bloomed. It was well worth the wait. Echinobivia rainbow burst is a hybrid that gets it name from being a cross between echinopsis and lobivia. Colors of blooms range from white, gold, yellow, orange, pink, red,...
Thelocactus Bicolor-Glory of Texas
Along with some large specimens for the garden (which I will share another time), I also added some smaller non-cold hardy cactus a couple of weeks ago after a visit to Cactus Town (“Cactus Town Texas,” January 29, 2016), thelocactus Glory of Texas. And it bloomed...
Dyckia Frazzle Dazzle
Dyckias are actually bromeliads, but because they have a tendency to collect water in complex ways and many thrive in arid regions like cactus and succulents do, people who like those plants tend to like bromeliads, too, and both kinds of plants are many times grouped...
Wyoming Cactus Do It Again
I’m sure I have shared pictures of these cactus with you before, but they are always the first cactus to bloom outdoors, and they always put on a show. This year was no different. So they deserve to be recognized once again. Other cactus grown in Wyoming, and I have a...
Delosperma Fire Spinner
I bought this delosperma, commonly known as ice plant, two years ago and wasn’t sure if it was cold hardy or not. Put the main plant in the ground and made sure I also had some in a pot, just in case. And here it is today. While it hasn’t covered a large area yet, the...
Plant Something Rusty
I happened upon this rusty card file box at Mason Country Collectibles, a primo junk/antique store in Mason, Texas. I saw possibilities for using it as a planting container. The price was right, so I bought it. The weather finally agreed to be nice, so I planted it...
Another Euphorbia
Euphorbia myrsinites is of the spurge family and generally considered a weed. Unless you are a cactus and succulent collector, in which case you tend to add them to your collection. Well, this is actually the only spurge I have and probably the only one I want. But it...
Oops! I Made a Wrong I.D.
Wouldn’t you know it-no sooner do I share a succulent with you that I find out quite by accident that I have misidentified it! Or maybe the timing was good; this way I can correct it quickly while it is still out there. Last week I shared pictures of what I called a...
A Pachyphytum–I Think!
This is a succulent I have had for a long time and lost the identification tag a long time ago, but I think it is a pachyphytum or a graptopetalum, or a cross of the two. Or something else, perhaps! I just know I like it. Pachyphytums are native to Mexico, and I like...
Sedum Treleasei
Sedum treleasei, a new succulent I found last year, is blooming for the first time now. It is in the stonecrop family and a native to North America. It has been rather slow to grow so far; getting its roots down, no doubt, so this summer it should take off. I think it...
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