Pachypodium Succulentum x. Bispinosum

I picked up this little plant at the Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA) convention in Colorado Springs this year, 2023. I had not seen one before, but then it's easy to see plants you've never seen before at these conventions! Vendors bring all kinds of...

The Trip to Marble Falls

The Highland Lakes Native Plant Society invited me to give a talk on landscaping with drought-tolerant plants, so of course, I said yes. The meeting would be on January 20 at the Marble Falls Public Library, a mere ten minutes from our house at Lake LBJ, which meant I...

Dorstenia Foetida is a Weird Little Plant

I came home from the MId-States Cactus and Succulent Conference in 2022 with a desire to add a dorstenia to my collection. Mike Hellmann gave a presentation on the species and donated one to the rare plant auction which brought $750! So naturally, I wanted one, too....

The Melocactus is Full of Surprises

I wrote about my new Melocactus Salvadorensis back in November last year, "My New Melocactus," November 3, 2022, and it had some small flowers on its cephalium, the structure on the top of the plant that grows tall and makes tiny, pretty pink flowers. When I bought...

The Adenium with the Double-Petaled Flower

The grafted adenium that was a gift from my daughter-in-law just bloomed a lovely flower with two rows of petals, which is called a double-petaled adenium. It came without a tag, other than just Adenium, so I can’t identify it exactly. Adeniums are commonly called a...

Yuccas and Surprises on the Trip to Marble Falls

I was invited to give a cactus presentation to the Highland Lakes Green Thumb group in Marble Falls last week. I had some interesting stops along the way and a fun surprise at the end of my talk which had a connection to Muleshoe. But of course, you’ll have to read to...

The Adenium Arabicam Grows Up

I came home from Saint Louis and the Mid-States Cactus and Succulent Conference in 2018 with a small Adenium arabicam. I wrote a blog about that little plant on November 6, 2018, “Tracy Vymola and her Love of Adeniums,” showing the step by step process she took us...