The Argyroderma Testiculare Blooms

I have written about Argyroderma roseum  before, but A. testiculare is smaller and this particular group just outdid themselves blooming, so of course I had to share.You can see the bud forming in the one plant and the beginning bud coming out in the one next to...

Pachypodium Lealii Saundersii is Full of Blooms

I’m a little late sharing this with you, but my two Pachypodium lealii saundersii  plants outdid themselves this year with flowers. They started blooming in October before I had to bring them in for the winter, and the flowers continued even after I brought them...

A Look at Several Stapeliads

I have talked about stapeliads before, but I’ve gone through a dry spell with no flowers lately. The spell was finally broken the other day, and I just had to share again!Stapeliads  can be found in a variety of countries, but this one, Stapelia lepida, is native...

The Cluttered Cactus Garden in Winter

The cactus garden looks a mess in winter. The poor cholla and prickly pear do their sad droopy thing. Boxes, gallon cans, and five-gallon buckets stand upside down over plants needing protection; blankets and comforters do the same. Plants that are truly cold-hardy...

Stapelia Grandiflora Puts on a Show

I’ve written about these stinky flowers before-“The Stinky Flower,” August 4, 2014, but that’s been a while back, and this time the plant just outdid itself with blooms, so I thought I’d share again. I realized the plant was loaded with buds the end of October. One...

Agave Utahensis is a Little Different Agave

When agaves bloom, we expect the bloom mast to look pretty much like the one on my Agave harvardiana that bloomed in 2019, like this:Agave utahensis is a smaller agave and its inflorescence looks like this.I’ve had this little agave for maybe fifteen-twenty years, and...

Another Surprise Flower

I bought a Pleiospilos nelii this year simply because it had a bud ready to open. I thought. Brought it home, repotted it with two others that I bought with it, Pleiospilos nelii royal flush, just because they were a pretty purple color. I waited a couple of days in...

The Conophytum Bloomed!

Three years ago I ordered this little plant from Plants for the Southwest, a specialty nursery in Tucson I learned about at one of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America’s conventions a few years ago. Conophytum pearsonii is not a variety you will see in the big...

One Agave Bed Calls for Another!

I had so much fun creating the new agave bed I told you about a few days ago (“The New Agave Bed,” August 9, 2020), I decided to do another one. The patch of zebra grass at the back of the garden had not looked good for the last few years. I couldn’t keep it wet...