People seem to think the South has its own Language
Lately on my MSN home page, or whatever it's called, they have had story after story about things we Southerners say that the rest of the world doesn't understand. This last one I saw was titled "Southern sayings that Northerners need a translator to understand." I...
The Double Adenium Blooms Again, But Wait-There’s More!
I shared this adenium with you last year when it bloomed, "The Adenium with the Double-Petaled Flower," July 10, 2023. It is blooming again now, but this time it has two slightly different flowers, thanks to the fact it is a grafted plant. This is how it looked last...
Power Points, Bluebonnets and New Friends
l was invited by Sarah Ramos and Dr. Ray Buchanan to give another cactus presentation on February 27 in Marble Falls, this time to the Texas Tech OLLI Education Program-Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, which has an office in Marble Falls and Fredericksburg as well...
How Cactus Get Their Names
I have talked to you before about taxonomy and identifying your cactus and succulents (Learn Those Plants' Names!," July 14, 2022.) And it never hurts to go back and read that article again. But the other day when I told you about my new Pachypodium succulentum x....
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