Memorial Day 2023

According to my calculations, the last time we had a Memorial Day service in Muleshoe was 2019 because of Covid. At any rate, thanks to the epidemic, it has been a few years since we gave thanks to the million or more Americans who have fought and died for our...

The Adenium Arabicam Grows Up

I came home from Saint Louis and the Mid-States Cactus and Succulent Conference in 2018 with a small Adenium arabicam. I wrote a blog about that little plant on November 6, 2018, “Tracy Vymola and her Love of Adeniums,” showing the step by step process she took us...

Mike’s Final Journey

I received this email from Mike Jones’ brother Tommy this week and wanted to share it with those of you who were friends with Mike and read about his life in an earlier blog post here. He is now home in one of his favorite places.Tommy wrote:Last weekend, I made the...