Our Thanksgiving was a day filled with family, food, and football, which is as it should be and how it has been all my life. Caroline and all her new family celebrated with us and after enjoying our traditional turkey and dressing, ham, green bean casserole, gravy, cranberry sauce, sweet potato soufflé, macaroni and cheese, fruit salad, lemon and chocolate meringue and pumpkin pies, we spent the day in front of a warm fire talking, munching, and watching football, especially when A&M beat the hell out of t.u.
The family: Ken Kron, Caroline, AJ, Callie, Neil, Colten, Janell Kron, Alice, Korben. Ty is somewhere, but not in the picture!
The food.
The football fans.
The hunters. Our son AJ added a new twist this year by going on a deer hunt. He came by himself to focus on the hunt, and he was amply rewarded. Colten went along to help him bag a beautiful ten -point mule deer buck.
The trophy. My daddy was a deer hunter, and come to think of it, he left a few times the day after Thanksgiving for a deer hunt himself. Hunting was a way of life for him; hunting provided much of the food on the family table when he was growing up. He continued to enjoy the challenge of the hunt, the beauty of nature, the companionship of fellow hunters, along with providing food for the family, even when food for the family was the least of it. Bill told AJ that Grandaddy, the man for whom AJ is named, would be proud of him and would have loved to have taken him hunting himself. We all decided Daddy was there for the whole thing, as my AJ was using his grandaddy AJ’s Remington GameMaster 760 30-06 pump action rifle to bring down the deer with one clean, decisive kill shot.
Oh, yes. His grandfather would have been pleased.
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