Wouldn’t you know it-no sooner do I share a succulent with you that I find out quite by accident that I have misidentified it! Or maybe the timing was good; this way I can correct it quickly while it is still out there.
Last week I shared pictures of what I called a pachyphytum. Well, this past week I took a little trip to the lake-shouldn’t have since I was sick the whole time-but I did, and while there made a sweep by Wildseed farms in Fredericksburg. Turned out I was a bit early for the rush of spring madness as they had very little there in the way of bedding plants. But all by themselves on one lone table were some succulents. Naturally, I had to go see what was there, and lo and behold, it was the plant of last week’s post! Only it was labeled as a sedum, sedum rubrontinctum, blue jelly bean. And if I had thought about it, I should have known it fell into the sedum category based on some of its growth patterns; I didn’t, but now I do.
And while I know in my heart of hearts that most of you really don’t care what its real name is, I don’t want to be the one to put wrong information out there. So there you have it, for better or worse. I am glad to have it correctly identified for my own records, and at least now my conscience is clear. Ha.
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