Dyckias are actually bromeliads, but because they have a tendency to collect water in complex ways and many thrive in arid regions like cactus and succulents do, people who like those plants tend to like bromeliads, too, and both kinds of plants are many times grouped together. Which is why I wound up with a couple. I came across them shopping for succulents at East Austin Succulents, located in, you guessed it, east Austin, Texas. I couldn’t find documentation that bromeliads are actually considered a succulent, but because of their water and moisture retention styles and the fact that many of them do live in dry areas, they are compatible with other succulents.
This one, dyckia choristaminea, also known as dyckia Frazzle Dazzle, bloomed for me this year.
Dyckias are native to arid and high-altitude regions of Brazil and central South America. They like rocky, sunny areas, and over time clump and make thick mats of plants with their stiff, thorny leaves. When they start clumping, like this one has begun doing, I will separate the individual plants. I like the look of the single specimen.
Many bromeliads grow in tropical areas, but this bromeliad, this dyckia, tends to be cold-hardy, since it grows in high altitudes where the weather will get colder. Mine will most likely always be brought in during the winter, but it is nice to know in the event I want to let it clump and cover a large area outside.
Dyckias provide a nice texture variation in dish gardens and are an interesting plant to add to your collection, flower or not.
Do you remove the stems/stalks after the blooms die?
Yes, cut them off down as close to the plant as you can.
I don’t completely remove Dyckia stalks unless they turn brown all the way to the base. Many species will flower for years and years on old flower stalks, and the show gets better and better.
Thanks for reading, Leo.