Muleshoe Classroom Teachers Association welcomed MISD’s new teachers with their annual breakfast and goodie bags Friday morning, August 2nd. Thirty-one local businesses donated items for the bags to help the new hires learn about the Muleshoe business community and give them some fun and useful items to start their year off right.

Local CTA officers Cheyenne Cage, April Smith, and Angela Reyes spearheaded the event, but had lots of help from local members who gathered items from the businesses and shared an abundance of breakfast treats.

Everyone enjoyed breakfast as Superintendent R.L. Richards opened the meeting and then turned things over to our Region 17 District Director Angela Reyes and April Smith, who talked about what the Texas Classroom Teachers Association has to offer and invited the new teachers to become members.

Since I had served as TCTA State President in 2003, I talked about some of the advantages of the association and encouraged them to join.

After that, Dr. Richards introduced the administration and had the new people introduce themselves and tell us what they would be teaching at which campus. And then the goodie bags were handed out, because we knew that once they had those goodie bags to explore, they wouldn’t be listening to what was being said! Lots of good stuff in those bags.

CTA’s part of the morning was done, so we left the teachers to learn about the coming year from Dr. Richards.

All teachers are to report to their campuses on August 5th and the first day for the students will be August 14.

Here’s to a good year. It’s a great time to be a Mule!

Thanks to April Smith for her help with this story.