We have been hoping for rain for about three months. The grass crunches when we walk; that is, if there is any grass left at all. Most of the time I am walking on dirt when I am out in the pasture to walk the dogs. Everything is brown except for sad droopy prickly pear in the cactus garden. And I could go on, but you get the idea.

Well, today everything is white. We woke up this morning to snow. By noon the white stuff had piled up all over the place and it was still coming down. The high today was 32. By about 4 o’clock a few patches of snow on the evergreens had begun to melt and make icicles, but it was still lightly snowing.

So, now, it’s the next day. The phone said it was 19 degrees when I got up, and it may have been lower than that before the sun came up. The sky is blue and the sun is shining, not all over gray like yesterday. The high today is forecast to be 33, but with the sun out, the snow will melt.

The brown you see in the background is the tall grass in the pasture that the snow did not cover, but everything else is still sparkling white. It will be lovely today, but tomorrow will be making a mess!

And it will become water for the plants, so we will take it.